F. Anton Stahl

 Founder of the People Helping People Club, and author of
Uncommon Wisdom 1, Lifetime Strategies for Successful Living
         Some previous professional achievements include:
Ø Founder and Director of Amdo Institute for Human Development Research, Education and Training

Ø Human Relations Counselor

Ø Hypnotherapist

Ø Psycho-dynamics of weight control coach

Ø Head instructor of 8 martial arts schools
Created Amdo Self-Defense, a combined martial arts system [judo, ju-jitsu, karate and boxing] in the 1060s before American kick boxing came to be and two decades before mixed martial arts was “in.” 

Ø  Developed his own approach to martial arts philosophy he called Aikiology, the study of harmonious living, and creating harmony through conflict. 

Ø  Shopping mall owner

* The above took place between 1960 and 1988 in   
    Wayne New Jersey
     Now retired in South Florida at age 79.
Present Activity


Personal Achievement Education workshop and seminar presenter Coaching Consultant [one who teaches and trains others using a discussion format and specialized knowledge]  Anton’s Specialized Knowledge: 50 years of  Lifetime Strategies for Successful Living, Leadership Training and Life Enrichment Skills

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