The Harvest

The Harvest

The Laws of Success are the Laws of the Universe.  For example: “As you sow, so shall you reap” represents the Law of Cause and Effect. People punish themselves every time they oppose this rule when applied to health, success and happiness. 
To illustrate; let’s assume that your neighbor envies or even hates you. These are strong emotions. Every time he dwells on such thoughts he causes certain chemical reactions to occur within his body that undermine his health. Envy and hate are negative, self-destructive emotions and it has been scientifically proven that they have unhealthy effects on our bodies.
The harvest of hate can be our own ill health.  So, when your neighbor holds any kind of ill feelings towards you, have sympathy, for he knows not what he is doing…to himself.  Try to understand and sympathize with him.  Your reward will be peace of mind and better health. It will be more difficult for our neighbor to hate us when we do not hate him in return.
It has been said, “A man who hates suffers more than the man hated.” It was Lincoln who said, “The best way of destroying an enemy is to make him your friend.”